My daughter saw a
tiger hat on Shana Logic that she thought would be a good Christmas gift for a friend. But instead of asking me for $40 to buy the hat, she asked me to just make one myself. And excellent idea. I wasn't completely happy with the look of the one on Shana Logic, so I surfed around for more ideas. I tried
Lion Brand's site - they have a lot of good free patterns - but I couldn't find what I wanted. And I searched
Ravelry. They had some cute ones, but I still wasn't satisfied.
I was imagining tiger stripes that got wider and narrower they way they really do on a tiger. The idea of wider and narrower reminded me of a hat I made once from a Lion Brand pattern called
"Famous Designer" Hat. And I wanted earflaps and found Lion Brand's pattern for a
Warm Up Hat that had them. I decided to cobble these two patterns together using tiger stripe colors and adding ears at the end.
(I have
more pictures on Flickr.)
Here's my pattern:
Yarn: Lion Brand Vanna's Choice yarn: Terracotta, Black, and White colors - I used less than a half a skein of each color.
Needles: Size 9 circular needles
Gauge: 16 st = 4 in.
With Terracotta, cast on 3 sts. Work in k1, p1 rib until piece measures 8 in., ending with a WS row. (I did 40 rows.)
Row 1 (RS): K1, (k1, yo, k1) into next st, k1 - 5 sts.
Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
Row 3: K2, (k1, yo, k1) into next st, k to end - 7 sts.
Row 5: K3, (k1, yo, k1) into next st, k to end - 9 sts.
Continue as in Rows 1, 3, and 5, increasing 2 sts in center st of each RS row until you have a total of 23 sts. ending with a WS row. Sl sts onto a holder.
Repeat for second Earflap, but do not sl sts to a holder.
Join for Hat
Continuing on same needle as second Earflap, with black, cast on 6 sts.
Next Row (Joining Row): K across cast-on sts, k23 Earflap sts, cast on 19 sts, k23 Earflap sts from holder, cast on 6 sts - 77 sts.
The above directions are all from Lion Brand's Warm Up Hat (small size). At this point, I diverge, knitting in the round instead of in st st and using ideas from their Famous Designer Hat for my tiger stripe.
Divide stitches between two circular needles and join to work in the round.
Rnds 1-3: Knit, continuing with Terracotta
Rnd 4: Switch to White, knit, adding one st near end by k1 f & b - 78 sts.
Rnd 5: Switch to Black, purl
Rnd 6: *K2, yo, k1, yo twice, k1, yo twice, k1, yo, k1, repeat from * 12 more times
Rnd 7: Knit in sts, letting yo slip off
Rnd 8: Switch to White, purl
Rnd 9: Switch to Terracotta, knit
Rnd 10: *K1, yo twice, k1, yo, k3, yo, k1, yo twice, repeat from * 12 more times
Rnd 11: Knit in sts, letting yo slip off
Rnd 12: Knit
Rnds 13 - 21: Repeat rnds 4 - 12
Shape Crown
Rnd 22: Switch to White, *k11, k2tog; repeat from * across - 72 sts.
Rnd 23: Switch to Black, purl
Rnd 24: *K6, k2tog; repeat from * across - 63 sts.
Rnd 25: Knit
Rnd 26: Switch to White, *p5, p2tog; repeat from * across - 54 sts.
Rnd 27: Switch to Terracotta, knit
Rnd 28: *K4, k2tog; repeat from * across - 45 sts.
Rnd 29: Knit
Rnd 30: Switch to White, *k3, k2tog; repeat from * across - 36 sts.
Rnd 31: Switch to Black, purl
Rnd 32: *K2, k2tog; repeat from * across - 27 sts.
Rnd 33: Knit
Rnd 34: Switch to White, *p1, p2tog; repeat from * across - 18 sts.
Rnd 35: Switch to Terracotta, knit
Rnd 36: K2tog across - 9 sts.
Rnd 37: Knit
Rnd 38: K2tog across, end k1 - 5 sts.
Cut yarn, pull tail through remaining st and pull to gather.
Ears: Make 2
For inner ears: using Black, c/o 14 loosely.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: Knit.
Slip each stitch over the first st.
Pull end of yarn through the first st.
Repeat for second Inner Ear.
For outer ears: using Terracotta, c/o 16 loosely.
Row 1: Knit.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: Purl.
Slip each stitch over the first st.
Pull end of yarn through the first st.
Repeat for second Outer Ear.
With White, use Blanket Stitch to sew Black Inner Ear and Terracotta Outer Ear together.
Repeat for second Ear.
Sew Ears to crown.
Work Blanket Stitch around entire edge of Hat and Earflaps using Black.
Weave in ends.
Make tassels using Black and Terracotta yarn.